音乐时间:You Know I’m No Good

2008-04-11 598 5

Amy Winehouse-《You Know I'm No Good》

《You Know I'm No Good》MV:


  "You Know I'm No Good"

  Meet you downstairs in the bar and hurt,
  Your rolled up sleeves in your skull t-shirt,
  You say "what did you do with him today?",
  And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray,
  'Cause you're my fella, my guy,
  Hand me your stella and fly,
  By the time I'm out the door,
  You tear men down like Roger Moore,

  I cheated myself,
  Like I knew I would,
  I told you I was trouble,
  You know that I'm no good,

  Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy,
  He's in a place, but I can't get joy,
  Thinking on you in the final throes,
  This is when my buzzer goes,
  Run out to meet you, chips and pitta,
  You say "when we married",
  'cause you're not bitter,
  "There'll be none of him no more,"
  I cried for you on the kitchen floor,

  I cheated myself,
  Like I knew I would,
  I told you I was trouble,
  You know that I'm no good,

  Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain,
  We're like how we were again,
  I'm in the tub, you on the seat,
  Lick your lips as I soak my feet,
  Then you notice likkle carpet burn,
  My stomach drops and my guts churn,
  You shrug and it's the worst,
  Who truly stuck the knife in first

  I cheated myself,
  Like I knew I would
  I told you I was trouble,
  You know that I'm no good,

  I cheated myself,
  Like I knew I would
  I told you I was trouble,
  Yeah, you know that I'm no good.


Akay:《You Know I'm No Good》为《Secret Diary of a Call Girl》(应召女郎的秘密日记)的片头曲,歌曲用的确实恰如其分。你能否想象,这嗓音是来自一个23岁的女孩?

Amy Winehouse (艾米·怀恩豪斯),这个来自英国的"问题少女",以其独特的嗓音,以及天赋的音乐创作能力,在今年年初举行的第50届格莱美奖上成为最大赢家,一举囊括了"年度最佳唱片、最佳歌曲、最佳新人、最佳流行女歌手、最佳流行演唱专辑"。不过,因为这个性格有些独立特行的女歌手,因为吸毒,又被冠上"毒后"的称号,看来凡是此类型的富有才气的音乐人,几乎都会跟毒品这玩意要扯上点关系。

不过,我听某个歌手的歌,一般很少去在意他(她)本身的一些八卦流言,只要音乐对我的耳朵,就足够了。这首《You Know I'm No Good》带着浓烈的怀旧曲风,而在Amy Winehouse 独特嗓音的演绎下,又被赋予了更多难以言妙的听觉感。





  1. akay是锅好童鞋!

    btw,我看了melua的nine million bicycles的mv,相当有创意了哦!melua还算得上是个美女,结果刚看完,电脑就坏了,唉~~~

  2. [Comment ID #273822 Will Be Quoted Here]


    [Comment ID #273832 Will Be Quoted Here]



  3. good music ,i like it ,ths. I found it so long time.
